
Showing 121 - 130 of 134 results

Transcript of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's Mandarin Speech at the Pioneer Generation Tribute on 9 Feb 2014

大家早上好,马到功成,新年快乐、万事如意! 非常高兴有这么多位建国一代的嘉宾可以出席我们今天的活动。农历新年是家庭团聚的日子,也是我们对长辈表达谢意的好机会。在这里,我要特别感谢大家为我国所做的一切。同时感谢你们为子孙及新加坡年轻一代所做的牺牲和奉献。 新加坡能有今天的成就,要归功于我们的建国一代。刚独立的时候,我国没有什么天然资源可以利用。作为一个在夹缝中生存的小国,新加坡当时的前景是一片茫然的。但是,我们的国民为了实现独立、繁荣的共同信念,咬紧牙根,并肩努力,

Transcript of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's Interview with Caixin, 7 Feb 2014, at the Istana

Hu:      I have been visiting this country quite frequently, and interviewed your father, then MM, seven years ago.  I am so impressed with Singapore’s prosperity and economic growth.  We would like to know,

Call on Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong by Malaysian Minister of Home Affairs Dato' Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, 6 February 2014

Malaysian Minister of Home Affairs Dato’ Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi called on Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on 6 February 2014 at the Istana.

PM Lee Hsien Loong's Chinese New Year Message 2014

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's 2014 Chinese New Year Message on 30 January 2014.

PM Lee Hsien Loong at the NTU Ministerial Forum 2014

Transcript of speech by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the NTU Ministerial Forum on 28 January 2014.

PM Lee Hsien Loong's Remarks to Media in Malay After Closed-Door Dialogue With Malay/Muslim Community (Jan 2014)

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's remarks to media in Malay after closed-door dialogue with Malay/Muslim Community on 25 January 2014

PM Lee Hsien Loong's Remarks to Media After Closed-Door Dialogue With Malay/Muslim Community (Jan 2014)

Transcript of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's remarks to the media after closed-door dialogue with Malay/Muslim community on 25 January 2014.

PM Lee Hsien Loong at the Official Opening of Thye Hua Kwan EIPIC Centre at Ang Mo Kio

Transcript of speech by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the official opening of Thye Hua Kwan EIPIC Centre at Ang Mo Kio on 17 January 2013.

PM Lee Hsien Loong at the Opening of the Sandcrawler Building

Transcript of speech by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the opening of the Sandcrawler Building on 16 January 2014.

Condolence Letter by PM Lee Hsien Loong on the Passing of Former Israeli PM Ariel Sharon

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong wrote a condolence letter to the Prime Minister of the State of Israel Mr Benjamin Netanyahu on the passing of former Israeli Prime Minister Mr Ariel Sharon.