Transcript of Remarks by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the MacPherson CC Official National Day Dinner & CC Reopening Ceremony on 23 August 2014

27 August 2014



我们第一间麦波申民众联络所是1970年建的,后来变成了所谓的Macpherson T-Net Club。议员告诉我以前地点就是在隔壁。那我们重建翻新已经是两次了。其他麦波申的设施我们也翻新过;如公园,图书馆,各种各样的设施,并且我想包括你们大家的组屋,也已经经过不少的翻新。所以现在有了这个新的俱乐部,我想大家都可以享受新颖的多种的设施。不管你是年长的,年少的,或则是小孩子,都有选择,都可以在这里欢聚一堂。无论你要用健身房,烹饪室、舞蹈室、小剧场、儿童阅读室,应有尽有。所以请大家常常来享用这些设施,交新朋友,保持身体健康。但是,要好好用这个设施,爱护它,这是大家的,不要破坏它。今年是49周年,明年是我们建国50周年,所以50周年,为了庆祝这个重要的里程碑,我们就组织了特别的活动,设计了一个特别的配套,来对我们的建国一代表示我们的谢意。所以我们许许多多的活动,今年二月间已经开始了。过去几个月来,在许多选区里,同时在国家层面上,我们都用各种不同的方式,对他们表达我们的心意。我想今晚在座的各位有不少建国一代,所以刚才陈议员提过了,但我要再提一次,你们在这里的建国一代,谢谢你们这么多年来,替我们默默耕耘,你们辛苦了。




各位名字很多,但是我简单提几个。公民咨询委员会主席吴孔宗先生,在这里服务了这么多年,打下了很好的基础,对佩玲也是很重要的重要人物,让她可以继续发展各种各样的新计划。 另外一位重要的人物是林慕琛女士,Rosemary Lim,她在我们党支部是秘书,在公民咨询委员会是副主席,她尤其是在乐龄活动方面做了很多的贡献。我知道她是一个资深的女基层领袖,有新的年轻的女议员,所以老领袖的指导和劝告是非常有价值的。男的,做得很好,但是女的做得特别温心一点。我也应该感谢今晚的筹委会主席蔡顾珲先生, Mr Martin Chua 和他的团队。他告诉我说,他为今晚忙碌了五个月了,现在还剩下四个小时的时间,工作就完成了。我感谢他做得很好,以后肯定还有更多工作做,更多高峰去攀爬的。当然其他同事,其他的自愿人士,大家也默默耕耘,辛勤奋斗,一步一步地,在这里为人民服务。谢谢你们。希望更多的居民跟你们合作,参加我们的团队。尤其希望年轻的,刚才跳Hip-Hop舞的,不止跳舞,同时服务,我看一步一步会踏入为社会服务的这条路。


Friends, grassroots leaders and residents, just a few words. Thank you very much for being with us this evening to celebrate our 49th National Day and also to celebrate the completion and renovation of the rebuilding works of MacPherson CC. It is one of our older CCs, since 1970. We have upgraded it many times and today we have brought it up to date to serve us in the way in which Singaporeans expect to be served and to the standards which we are now able to set for ourselves.

We would like to thank all the pioneers from the Pioneer Generation who have brought us along here. I would like to thank all the residents for their support, I would like to thank the MP Miss Tin Pei Ling and particularly all the grassroots leaders and her team who have supported her and worked with her and made this work. As I said in my Chinese speech just now, MacPherson is one of oldest constituencies but I sent my youngest candidate here in the election because I was confident that she would be able to establish a rapport with the older aunties and uncles and serve them well. Not everybody was confident of that at the beginning, but I was sure she would make it. And I think in the last three years, she has shown that the aunties and uncles understand her, support her and know that she is working well for them and I see her smiling. I watched her speech just now on stage and I think she has come a very long way.

So we have new CCs, I think our constituency has been upgraded – you have new facilities, the library, the park, your HDB flats, they are upgraded – we have come a long way in 50 years. But I think we have a long path ahead of us, a bright and a shining future because we are ready, I think we are prepared, we have the team together. And if we work together, I think the next 50 years will be exciting years for ourselves, for our children and for our grandchildren. So please work together in MacPherson, in Marine Parade GRC and in Singapore so that we can make that happen and I think when we handover to the next generation, we will know that we have acquitted ourselves well and we have answered to the society and to Singapore, this is what we must do and this is where Singapore needs to go and can go. So thank you very much and I wish you all a happy National Day.