PM Lee Hsien Loong at the Lions Food Collection and Distribution Silver Jubilee Celebrations

SM Lee Hsien Loong | 16 June 2013

Speech by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the Lions Food Collection and Distribution Silver Jubilee Celebrations on 16 June 2013.













在座的狮子会会员也是好模范。除了食物收集与分配计划,狮子会也在全岛各处推行其他许许多多有意义的计划,包括设立狮子乐龄之友协会和狮子乐龄之家,帮助失明和失聪人士,鼓励年轻国人服务社会 ,通过幼狮会会员组织各种活动。这些活动反映了狮子会为社会服务的精神。我希望狮子会的精神会在我国全岛各处绽放光芒。



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Mr Ronald Chua

Project Chairman for the Food Distribution Project

Mr Looi Im Heok, PBM

Organising Chairman of tonight’s dinner

Lions of Singapore

Friends, fellow Singaporeans


Happy Fathers’ Day to all fathers who are here and also in Singapore!

I like to just briefly congratulate all of you on the 25th Anniversary of the Lions Food Collection and Distribution Project and thank all the Lions, volunteers and donors for supporting the Project for all these many years.

The Project has now become an integral part of the Ang Mo Kio community — particularly in Kebun Baru. It has been going on for 25 years. It depends on the support from the stallholders and from the people in the Pasir Panjang Wholesale Market and the Jurong Wholesale Market. Because of you, hundreds of residents in 14 homes are able to look forward to these food supplies every week and especially during festive seasons — when it is not just some food supplies but also something extra, which will enable all the residents to join in the festive cheer.

I thank Mr Looi Im Heok who has been working on this for 25 years and is now 85 years old. He is still going strong and has a lot to do with starting this and keeping it going. We congratulate him, thank him. He inspires us all to help our fellow citizens in big ways and small, to see ideas to fruition through team work and determination and to stay active regardless of our age. This is what active aging is about. Well done to Lion Looi and all the volunteers!

In particular, I will like to thank the stallholders and residents who have donated the food, as well as the volunteers who had helped to organise and keep this activity going. In every society, there will be some needy families. Even in affluent societies, you will find some poor people. It is not possible to eliminate poverty completely but we can and must do our best, each one of us, to help the poor, both to express our concern for fellow citizens and also to make sure that needy citizens are not left behind.

The generous way in which the stallholders, the volunteers, the wholesalers have supported this project is an important part of the Singapore spirit and of our Singapore community. It complements what the Government is doing through big schemes and small to help the poor, through our welfare programmes, through our CDCs, through our grassroots organisations.

The Lions are doing many good projects all over Singapore. This Food Collection and Distribution Project is just one of them. There are many more initiatives which you are carrying out. I hope that this spirit of service is sustained, built up and can spread throughout our Lion City because serving the community is more important in a world where income distributions are getting wider, stretching out, where it is easier for people to get immersed in our private spaces, preoccupied with our own lives and our own concerns, and not so focused on working together to help others.

We must encourage everyone of us to do something to help our fellow Singaporeans, and thus keep Singapore our best home — a cohesive and united people and a happy and bright future for all of us.

Congratulations once again on this Silver Jubilee! Thank you very much indeed.