PM Lee Hsien Loong at Catholic High School's 80th Anniversary Founder's Day Dinner

SM Lee Hsien Loong | 13 October 2015

Speech by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at Catholic High School's 80th Anniversary Founder's Day Dinner on 13 October 2015.







今晚的主题是 “饮水思源, 感情故乡”,正好表达了历届公教校友们对母校的深厚情感和感恩之心。看到在场的历届校长、老师、学长和学弟们,我不禁回忆起当年在公教读书的时光。







“宣传文化, 东西并筹
阐扬学术 ,文质兼收
振兴教育 ,惠及同俦
发挥道德 ,砥柱中流”




让我们继续为公教 ̶ 我们的感情故乡,齐心协力,让它继续塑造一代又一代精通中西文化的双语人才和彬彬君子。当然,更重要的是培养他们高尚的品德、坚韧的个性和热爱学习的精神,让他们成为具有服务大众精神的领袖、社会栋梁。最后,祝愿公教中学百尺竿头,更进一步。谢谢大家!



I am very happy to be here today for the 80th anniversary of Catholic High School, our alma mater.

Like so many of you, I am proud to say I am from Catholic High. I would like to thank all our teachers for not just teaching us, but moulding us and setting us examples, and making us into the people we are. I want to especially thank the principals, who took care of the students and guided us over the years.

Brother Joseph Dufresse, who was our principal then, made an especially deep impression on all of us, because he was strict with us, but deep down, compassionate and cared for all of us. After many years, long after we graduated, he kept in touch with us, and we all still remember him fondly, because he left such a deep impression. It is principals like Brother Joseph, who have played such a vital role in moulding us to be the people we are today and making the school what it is today., I think that is why many of us are here today, not just to catch up with old friends and exchange stories, but to celebrate this special occasion with them, and to express our gratitude to all of them. Thank you very much, teachers and principals.

More than 50 years ago, my parents decided to send me to Catholic High School. I brought home the form from school when I was in Primary Six to fill in which schools to choose to go to secondary school. To my surprise, my parents filled in Catholic High School公教中学. They explained to me: They chose it because it was a Chinese-medium school, but it has high standards of both English and Chinese – bilingual. Also, it has strict discipline. Furthermore, it was a Catholic mission school, so my parents were quite confident that they would not have to worry about left wing activities disrupting the classes or subverting the students. They felt I would be quite safe in Catholic High School, and they were quite right.

The school did not have many facilities then, not even a school field! But still, we had a great experience in the school and we did alright. I studied in the old buildings at Queen Street. I spent two years on the primary school side – Secondary One and Two were then with the primary school, and four years on the other side, with the church – Secondary Three, Secondary Four, afternoon school; Pre-U One, Pre-U Two. Today, I am happy that the old school premises at Queen Street have been preserved. They are still there. Now they are called 8Q, short for Number 8 Queen Street. It is part of the Singapore Art Museum. About two years ago, when I visited the Singapore Art Museum, I went to 8Q. I did not know what 8Q was. When I went there, I said, “Ah, this is Catholic High School!” The buildings look the same. The courtyard looks better, because they have put little tents up with the veneer material so it looks colourful and it is shaded. I went upstairs to my old Secondary One and Two classrooms, on the third floor. The corridors look the same as before; the staircases look the same as before. The classrooms, the partitions have been knocked down – now you have one long gallery showing modern art.  But my mind, it went back 50 something years. That was where the teachers taught us all the subjects, and we spent many happy hours there. For a little while, I was back there, 13 years old, Secondary One. Perhaps if you go back one day to visit公教中学 at Queen Street, you can have a similar experience too, those of you who studied there.

But I am happy that the school has now got better premises at Bishan, new campus, and a new Junior College is being built for students on the Joint Integrated Programme, in partnership with CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School and Singapore Chinese Girls’ School. And I am glad that the school has moved on and continues to stay relevant, because the world is not static, and the graduates whom we produce must keep up with the times.

But one thing which has not changed is Catholic High School’s emphasis on values and character development. That is something timeless and essential, and in fact, something which we want all Singapore schools to do more of, because our students should not just be book-smart, but should grow up to be citizens of good character, who will contribute to society and serve fellow Singaporeans. So I am very glad that we have moved on; I am very glad that we have kept something of the essence of the character of the school, because finally, it is the essence of the school and not the buildings which makes a difference. So I am happy tonight that we have a group of Secondary Two students who made a set of 12 illustrated books in Chinese, to help young students understand and learn positive values. We will be launching them tonight.

It is because Catholic High School has upheld these values, that over the last 80 years it has produced many leaders in different fields of society, not just in politics, but in business, in education, in culture. As the school’s vision statement puts it, “The Catholic High School student is a leader, a gentleman, a bilingual scholar of high integrity and robust character, who is passionate about life, learning and service to others”. This is an ideal, a vision. We try to live up to it. Sometimes we may fall short, but we should try our best, we should aim for this and we should teach the young generation also to aim for this, so that we can uphold the flame and keep the Catholic High School’s spirit strong for many more years to come.

The theme for tonight, “公教八十,饮水思源,感情故乡” sums up our past 80 years – excellence, friendship, contributions to the school, to the society and to the nation. I would like to thank all of the school community for your selfless dedication to the school all these years. May you continue your good work, nurture many more leaders, gentlemen – really not gentlemen but 君子, and bilingual scholars for Singapore, for many years to come.

Thank you very much!

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at Catholic High School's 80th Anniversary Founder's Day Dinner

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