PM Lee Hsien Loong on the MND Review
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on the Ministry of National Development (MND) review on the sale in 2010 of Town Council (TC) management software belonging to PAP TCs to Action Information Management Pte Ltd.
In January, I instructed the Ministry of National Development (MND) to review the sale in 2010 of Town Council (TC) management software belonging to PAP TCs to Action Information Management Pte Ltd (AIM), in the interest of transparency and maintaining trust in the system.
The MND Review Team has now completed its work, and submitted its report to me. The Government is releasing the report in full.
The Review Team concluded that the AIM transaction complied with the Town Councils Act and Town Council Financial Rules, and there was no misuse or loss of public moneys in the transaction. They also noted a broader issue: the risk of politicising TC administration, because of the party political nature of TCs operating in a competitive context. They therefore recommended a strategic review of TCs in their current form.
The Government accepts the findings and recommendations of the MND review. I also thank MND Deputy Secretary (Development) Mr Tay Kim Poh and the MND Review Team for their thorough work and comprehensive report.
Minister for National Development Mr Khaw Boon Wan will deliver a Ministerial Statement on the MND Review, including both the AIM transaction and the overall governance of TCs, when Parliament next sits on 13 May 2013.
Click here to read the MND Review of Town Councils
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3 MAY 2013
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