Official Visit of PM Lee Hsien Loong to Mongolia and attendance at the 11th ASEM Summit

SM Lee Hsien Loong | 12 July 2016

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong will visit Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia from 13 to 16 July 2016. PM Lee will make an official visit from 13 to 14 July 2016, and thereafter attend the 11th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Summit from 15 to 16 July 2016.


Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong will visit Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia from 13 to 16 July 2016.  PM Lee will make an official visit from 13 to 14 July 2016, and thereafter attend the 11th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Summit from 15 to 16 July 2016.  This marks the first visit by a Singapore Prime Minister to Mongolia.

In Ulaanbaatar, PM Lee will call on President Tsakhia Elbegdorj, Speaker of Parliament Miyeegombo Enkhbold and Prime Minister Jargaltulga Erdenebat, who will host PM Lee to a welcome lunch.  PM Lee will also attend a reception where he will meet Singaporeans based in Mongolia, businessmen from both countries, and Mongolians who have attended Singapore’s technical assistance programmes and universities.

PM Lee will join other Asian and European leaders in attending the 11th ASEM Summit, which marks its 20th anniversary this year.  Under the theme “20 Years of ASEM: A Partnership for the Future”, ASEM leaders will exchange views on global and regional issues of mutual interest, discuss how to strengthen Asia-Europe cooperation and chart the future direction of ASEM.  On the sidelines, PM Lee will also take the opportunity to meet other ASEM leaders.   

PM Lee will be accompanied by Mrs Lee, Senior Minister of State for Defence and Foreign Affairs Dr Mohamad Maliki Osman, and senior officials from the Prime Minister’s Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

During PM Lee’s absence, Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean will be the Acting Prime Minister on 13 and 14 July 2016.  Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam will be the Acting Prime Minister from 15 to 17 July. 

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12 JULY 2016

Foreign affairs