PM Lee Hsien Loong at "Leadership Matters – Relevance of Mahatma Gandhi in the Contemporary World"

SM Lee Hsien Loong | 24 September 2019

Remarks by PM Lee Hsien Loong at "Leadership Matters –  Relevance of Mahatma Gandhi in the Contemporary World" event held during the UN General Assembly on 24 September 2019.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen

Honoured to be invited by Prime Minister Modi to attend this commemoration of the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi’s ideas had influence far beyond India’s shores. His philosophy of non-violent resistance distinguished India from other independence movements of that era. He championed non-violence, to the core of his being. Even more remarkably, he could persuade his countrymen to desist from violence, even when they had been persecuted and severely provoked. As he said: “an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind”.

This was sage advice then, and remains so now. We live in a world that is not only more diverse, but also more interconnected. Differences are more easily amplified, and people more readily take offence. Tensions and conflicts are prevalent not just between countries, races and religions, but also within them. But if we take Gandhi’s message to heart, then we must try our best to resolve differences calmly and peacefully, appreciating the views of the other side, and without inflaming
passions or hardening attitudes. In so doing, we will build mutual understanding, tolerance and respect for one another.

Gandhi also firmly believed in the intrinsic equality of every person. This value resonates with Singapore, because our nation was founded on this same principle. We became independent in 1965 because we wanted to be a country where everyone was treated equally, regardless of their race, language or religion. We continue to uphold that fundamental ideal. We work very hard to strengthen our social cohesion, and expand the common space shared by the different races and
religious groups in Singapore. We also strive to make a modest contribution to global efforts to promote mutual understanding and respect. For example, this year Singapore hosted an International Conference on Cohesive Societies. We had good exchanges with scholars and practitioners from other countries, learned from their experiences, and hope they also took away something useful.

After Gandhi died and was cremated, Singapore had the honour of receiving part of his ashes. The ashes were immersed at sea, in accordance with Hindu custom, two miles from the southern tip of Singapore. Last year, Prime Minister Modi visited Singapore, and unveiled a plaque to mark this spot. There are other places in Singapore which honour Gandhi’s legacy, such as a Memorial which is home to our Hindi Society, and a Mahatma Gandhi Centre for Universal Values that is in one of our schools. But beyond these physical traces, Gandhi’s ideas and ideals
have resonated and endured.

Gandhi’s birthday, 2 October, falls next week. The UN General Assembly has declared it the International Day of Nonviolence, so it is fitting that we gather today to celebrate the legacy of a remarkable man. May Gandhi’s memory continue to inspire and bring out the best in all of us. Thank you.

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Foreign affairs