Chinese Speech by Lee Hsien Loong at the Zaobao 90th Anniversary and Launch of on 22 November 2013.
Please scroll down for the English translation of the speech
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恭祝联合早报90 周年快乐!
这90 年里,一路走来,早报取得长足的发展,并一直保持独有的地位。今年早报为了报庆举行了一系列的活动。要知道,世界上现存历史这么悠久的华文报纸已经不多了,早报是少数硕果仅存之一。希望接下来的90 年,早报能历久弥新,在世界各大中文报排行榜上保有一席之地。在新加坡,早报是本地读者最多的中文报。最新调查显示,早报有将近80万个读者。看早报网的读者也不断增加。早报在亚洲地区备受推崇, 我们经常可以看到其他中文报刊或新闻网站,转载早报的报道。
早报创报90 年,交出了漂亮的成绩单。今天是小六会考,我看早报及格了,可喜可贺!请再接再厉!
同90年前创刊时相比,世界完全改变了。媒体景观已大有改变。全球化和新科技缩短了世界各地的距离,但也带来更加快速的变化和不确定性 。新媒体的迅速发展改变了全世界人民的生活,也影响了新加坡的社会和民生。
越来越多人不看报纸,甚至不上新闻网站,只阅读朋友透过社交媒体传给他们的信息和意见 – 有些是真实的,也有假的谣言。现在人们可以选择下载想要看的资料,不像过去,由报纸把所有新闻送到读者眼前。由编辑决定哪一些新闻应该放在头版。你不翻开报纸,也会看到它。可是现在,你不点击那个网页,你不需要去看它。所以情况不同了。
所以新趋势提供很多益处,不过也带来挑战。新媒体的价值是使信息畅通,让世人很容易接触和了解最新的资讯,赶上潮流。人们虽隔天涯地角,还是可以随时与家人、朋友、或同事联络。每逢佳节,可以在 “ 网上” 一起过。同一个年三十晚,一个家庭可能在很多地方,但是都可以在平板电脑上,至少遥遥相招呼,感觉上是一家人在一个地方。
黑客行为是严重的威胁。它不只是恶作剧, 也可能造成严重危害。比如:假设黑客攻击的是医院的管理或紧急救援系统,造成停电或者仪器失灵,就可能危害病人的生命。 如果打进了我们的银行系统,抽出一大笔钱,或者使整个银行系统瘫痪。因此,这是一种犯罪行为。我国有法律来对付这些不法分子,严惩网上攻击行为。
第二个问题就是网络欺凌,cyber bullying。在新加坡,相当普遍,学生有时遇到;其实,记者也曾经遇到。因为记者报的是网民不愉快的消息,网上有系统,一大批人攻击这位记者。我听说有些记者,现在甚至有预先的恐惧感,写文章之前,要考虑会不会被网民攻击。这个是很坏的现象。所以我们需要用法律来制裁网络欺凌,还有其他网上骚扰的行为。
第三个挑战是网上的谩骂。英文也有特别名词,trolling - 它的意思不完全相同,因为是更凶狠的做法。在网上健康的讨论和辩论,因为谩骂经常变成不理性,互相侮辱、攻击,不讲理的情形。重点不在用户能不能达到共识,同意还是不同意。网上谩骂行为破坏气氛和空间,让认真要参与交流的用户无法加入,污染了网络世界。这种行为在生活上是不可以容忍的,在网络世界,更应该排斥,否定这种行为。
这是全球性的问题,许多网站在全球各国都面对这个问题。如果你让网民在网站上留言,那留言板就变成很多不应该有的话语。所以有些海外网站已施行一些安全措施来应对,例如规定用户在网上发表评论前一定要登录。YouTube,纽约时报就是最近的例子,引起争论。他们是崇尚新闻自由,发言自由,网络自由的,但他们还是觉得必须这么做。其他网站则完全禁止网民留言,因为他们没有能力处理这些谩骂的喧噪和杂音。如科学杂志Popular Science 的网站就禁止留言。你要看可以看,你要乱写废话,请你到别的地方做。
在新加坡的网上不少交流是建设性的。 可是我们也看到谩骂连篇的网站和布告栏。这个是事实。我们必须制止这恶劣行为,继续营造安全,有责任的网上空间,鼓励网民做建设性的对话。有一个例子,今日报的网站现在要求读者在留言前,用面簿户口登录。他们告诉我,效果不错,施行后显然提升了讨论素质。政府也将从自己的网站做起。从下个月中旬,民情联系组(REACH)的交流网将要求用户登录。
早报网新加坡版 (
传统主流媒体早报,也会面对新媒体的挑战,而早报也必须调整运作方式。早报的反应,第一反应,就是早报网。早报网办了好几年,可以说是相当成功。越来越多读者利用手机或平板电脑来阅读早报新闻,我就是其中一个。我每天买早报,但是我从来不看纸报纸,我看的是iPad版本,比较方便,在国外马上可以得到,在国内下载更快,内容随时都在手边。这个不是广告,这个是事实。早报网每天大约有400 万个点击率,其中新加坡和来自中国的读者最多。因为读者群有新的需求,口味也不一样了,所以早报就推出了两个版本的早报网,把同样的内容以量身订做的格式呈现给读者, 吸引新加坡和海外读者。刚才林总就为zaobao.sg举行了一个点击开幕仪式,推出了新的早报网新加坡版,内容丰富,尤其是精辟、高素质的评论文章,别的地方不一定找得到。想要用中文了解新加坡的人,现在有多一个好的选择。所以,我祝zaobao.sg成功, 变成中文读者的最爱!
第一, 因为新加坡是个多元化的社会, 所以早报在报道时,同时反映社会上广泛多元的意见和人们不同的需求,同时也要促进国人对国事的理解与共识的产生。
所以反映多元意见,但是必须促进共识,不要深化鸿沟,不要加剧各种的矛盾。早报必须能掌握我国的社会的动向及时代脉搏;把新闻报道和评论分开,讨论时事要交代确实的背景。所以报告新闻不只是把一些事实写出来,报告新闻必须有一个清楚的观念和背景,一个框架来阐述,分析,解说,很不容易做。我觉得你们的工作是非常难做的。我看到你们的成绩,非常敬佩。尤其是高难度的工作--每年财政预算案或者是国庆群众大会演讲。我们花了几个月的时间准备我们的内容,写稿,改稿,考虑,准备一篇长篇大论。早报有几个小时的时间去了解,去翻译,去把它包装,去得到许许多多的公众的反应,然后把它陈述出来。摆在一个平板上,让我们读报纸的时候读了会清楚和了解,可能比听的更了解。非常不简单。所以你们的任务是很重要,报道的方式也很重要,因为你如何报道同样的新闻同样的时事,可以影响读者的看法,甚至左右群众的反应。尤其是敏感的课题还是容易情绪化的课题上, 平衡的报道是维护新加坡社会和谐的重要部分。
在这方面我知道早报不断改进,寻求新鲜的角度和活动来传播华族文化,吸引新加坡年轻的华人,比如在早报飨宴 《九。歌》音乐会里就邀请了西乐唐四重奏和昆曲艺术家,擦出了新火花。所以必须要有新花样。在中国也有新花样。因为中国传统的昆曲,传统的京曲,要维持下去是有的。可是要吸引年轻人,总是有新的构想,新的表达的方法。所以我们也必须与时并进。
English translation
Mr Lim Jim Koon
Editor-in-Chief, Chinese Newspapers Division,
Mr Goh Sin Teck
Editor, Lianhe Zaobao
Distinguished guests,
ladies and gentlemen
Congratulate Zaobao on its 90th birthday!
Zaobao has come a very long way over past 90 years
a. One of the longest surviving Chinese newspapers in the world. Hope that it will remain one of the world’s leading Chinese newspapers in another 90 years’ time
b. Most widely-read Chinese newspaper in Singapore, with almost 800,000 readers. Number of readers also rising
c. Highly regarded in the region and Asia – its articles are often quoted in Chinese newspapers in the region
Zaobao has done well by staying true to several fundamental principles:
a. Reporting news as a Singapore newspaper, with a special emphasis on our Chinese community
i. A dependable newspaper for older readers who have witnessed the growth and evolution of Zaobao
ii. A trusted alternative for younger readers who turn to Zaobao for a different perspective from the English media b. Helping Singaporeans interpret global developments, especially in China i. e.g. coverage of the recent Third Plenum
ii. Cogent summary of communiqué, showing that the Plenum covered not just economic, but also social and political issues
iii. As a long-time observer of China, Zaobao could put across the key outcomes of the Plenum in simple terms, highlight the differences between this communiqué and the one issued at the Third Plenum of the 16th National Congress a decade ago, and help readers understand the implications of the next stage of China’s reforms
iv. This is how Zaobao adds value
c. Overseas readers turn to Zaobao for two reasons:
i. It gives them a perspective from a Southeast Asian country; Singapore’s views differ from the perspectives of the media in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan
ii. Zaobao provides objective and comprehensive reports. Hence overseas readers who are interested in Singapore, regional affairs and China, read Zaobao
d. Besides reporting the news, Zaobao plays an important role transmitting Chinese culture and values
i. Not only through its reporting, but also by organising cultural activities ii. Activities are very popular, e.g. Singapore River Hongbao, 九。歌 cultural performance at Fort Canning Park
Happy birthday and well done!
The media landscape has been completely transformed since Zaobao began
a. Globalisation and technology have drawn the world closer together, but led to more rapid changes and uncertainty
b. Social media is transforming our lives
c. Readership and consumption habits have evolved
i. Number of Singaporean readers is stagnating; their median age is rising
ii. Interests more diverse, including greater demand to hear different points of view – not just for serious news, but entertainment and lifestyle too
iii. Many people no longer read the papers or news online, but rather rely on friends’ recommendations via social media
iv. Media “pulled” on demand rather than “pushed” to captive audiences
v. Preference for shorter, quicker snippets than comprehensive analyses – 140-character limit on Weibo and Twitter makes it an impossible challenge to report serious stories!
vi. More sources of news, many of which are free. More readers using free news aggregators, thus putting pressure on paid providers like Zaobao
These trends bring many benefits, but also new challenges
a. Benefits:
i. Easier to share information, connect with one another, keep abreast of latest trends
ii. People may be physically far apart, but they can connect instantly to family, friends and colleagues, e.g. “virtual” reunions over Chinese New Year
iii. People are using new media to organise themselves for common causes (1) e.g. disaster relief efforts for “Typhoon Haiyan” in the Philippines (2) Humanitarian assistance could be quickly organised because of new media (3) What would have taken many days now takes minutes
b. Challenges:
i. News that travels fastest may not be the most accurate
ii. Immediate consensus views may not gel with considered analyses
iii. Easier to coalesce in narrower groups, and hence harder to forge a national consensus
Abuse of new media is a big challenge facing many countries, including Singapore, e.g.
a. Criminal activity, including hacking
i. Witnessed multiple attacks recently – in Singapore and our neighbours
ii. Hacking is a serious threat. Not just a prank but can cause grave harm, e.g. shutting down essential government services, or crashing a hospital management system. Hence it is a crime
iii. We will deal with the culprits fully under the law
b. Cyber-bullying
i. A growing problem
ii. Young are especially vulnerable – victims may end up depressed or suicidal
iii. We need laws to combat cyber-bullying and other forms of internet harassment
c. Trolling
i. Phenomenon of discussion and debate degenerating into abuse and hate-mongering
ii. Issue is not about whether people agree or disagree online – trolls deter serious readers from participating, and ruin the overall atmosphere in cyberspace
iii. Such behaviour is totally unacceptable face to face, and should be totally unacceptable online too
iv. One factor behind trolling: Online anonymity (1) Studies have shown that anonymity increases unethical behaviour and contempt, because they feel that no one will know who they are and hence can do whatever they want
v. Many overseas sites have grappled with this issue. Some have installed safeguards to manage the problem, e.g. (1) Requiring log-ins for posting comments – YouTube, New York Times (2) Banning comments altogether – Popular Science
vi. In Singapore, we see much constructive engagement online, but also no lack of trolling
vii. We must fight back against trolling, and provide a safe, responsible online environment which promotes constructive participation
viii. now requires readers to log-in using their FB accounts before posting comments – this has worked well and raised the quality of discussion ix. Government will do likewise – REACH will require log-ins from mid-December
These challenges are not easy to solve. But the new media is already a reality and an indispensable part of our lives
a. We must do more to harness its potential to improve our lives, while reducing its downsides
The Government is harmonising our New Media rules with our rules for mainstream media, e.g.
a. Requiring online news sites that exceed a certain readership to be licensed under the Broadcasting Act
b. Requiring news and current affairs sites not to receive foreign funding
Government also leveraging new media to engage Singaporeans better
a. Almost every ministry and MP has an FB account
b. Including me (plus Twitter and IG too!)
c. Because young Singaporeans tell me, “Facebook is for the older generation (20-30 years old); I use IG!”
d. I find them effective channels of communications, which allow me to engage Singaporeans directly and quickly
i. My recent FB post about a barn owl which flew into the Istana garnered 500,000 views within a day!
Mainstream media like Zaobao must also adapt to the new landscape. is Zaobao’s response to the new media
a. A tremendous success since its establishment
b. More are reading Zaobao using mobile apps or online
c. receives four million pageviews daily, mostly from Singapore and China
d. Because their tastes and needs are different, Zaobao has launched two versions of its website, to customise the same content for Singapore and foreign readers
e. Zaobao has launched for its Singapore readers
f. contains serious and quality commentaries
g. Singaporeans who wish to understand Singapore through the Chinese media now have a new source of information
h. Wish every success!
HOW ZAOBAO CAN CONTINUE TO THRIVE will not be Zaobao’s last venture into the new media
a. Readers’ tastes and needs will continue to change, e.g. citizen journalism, greater demand for interactive media
b. Technology will continue to advance rapidly, especially as bandwidth and mobile technology become faster and cheaper
c. No one knows what novel programmes, gadgets or applications will take off in the future, and how they will transform our lives
d. Hence Zaobao has to continually experiment and innovate to be current with the latest developments, and to find the best way to meet the information needs of a new generation
In terms of content, Zaobao must continue to uphold the core principles that have enabled it to succeed, while adapting them to a new age and generation of readers
a. Agree with Jim Koon that Zaobao and the Singapore mainstream media must maintain high levels of public trust, while adapting to the new environment
b. This is the value of Zaobao and of Singapore’s media
Within this context, I have some suggestions on how Zaobao can continue to thrive in the future Reflect diverse views objectively and responsibly
First, because Singapore is a multi-cultural society, Zaobao must reflect our society’s increasingly diverse views and needs
a. Yet also promote a shared understanding of national issues and challenges
b. Zaobao must represent the tone and temper of our society
c. Separate news reports and opinion pieces, and set things in proper context i. Zaobao has often done this well, e.g. Budget and NDR. Zaobao captured the key points, translated it to Chinese, explained them and their implications clearly to Singaporeans and highlighted their reactions, all within limited pages. I take my hat off to the journalists who do this!
d. How Zaobao reports news is important, because it can shape perceptions and fan emotions
i. Especially when dealing with sensitive or emotional issues, careful reporting is important to maintaining social cohesion in Singapore
e. Naturally, this applies to all newspapers, not just Zaobao Provide a Singaporean Perspective on the Region
Second, continue to provide a Singaporean perspective on China and Northeast Asia
a. Zaobao has an advantage because it is a Singapore Chinese newspaper, otherwise it would be no different from the media in China, Hong Kong or Taiwan
b. Many Chinese counterparts tell me they read Zaobao for its reports and analyses on current affairs and on China. Sometimes they would read Zaobao before their own dailies
As China’s global influence grows, natural that Zaobao focus more on China
a. Given the number of readers, the Chinese market will account for a bigger share of Zaobao’s earnings
To retain its competitive edge, Zaobao must continue to take a detached, balanced and Singaporean perspective when reporting
a. This will also allow Zaobao to continue fulfilling its important function as a Singaporean newspaper
I know Zaobao takes this responsibility very seriously
a. But I feel it is useful to remind ourselves, as this is a very important consideration Transmit Chinese culture and values
Third, continue to transmit Chinese culture and values
a. This is important to our Chinese community
b. Many Zaobao readers are also concerned about Chinese culture’s place in Singapore. I see this in readers’ letters to Zaobao’s Forum page, e.g. on mother tongue policy, translation standards, and the languages used on public signs
Fully understand community’s concerns
a. Government doing utmost to preserve Chinese culture, e.g.
i. Promoting mother tongues in schools and at work
ii. Upgrading our SAP schools, e.g. St Nicholas Girls’ School, whose new campus I just opened
iii. Building Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre
iv. Working with Business China to help Singaporeans succeed in China
v. Zaobao partners us in many initiatives – thank you Zaobao!
b. Even as we celebrate our heritage, we must ensure that it keeps up with the times so as not to lose the younger generation
c. In this regard, Zaobao has continued to find new ways to celebrate our heritage which appeal to younger Chinese Singaporeans, e.g. 九。歌 concert included a joint performance between the Tang Quartet and Kun Opera – a new interpretation of East and West classics
As we preserve our Chinese culture, we must remember that ours is a multi-racial and multi-ethnic society
a. We have worked hard to build a Singaporean identity, so we are all Singaporeans first, regardless of race or religion
b. Hence, even as we celebrate our own ethnic culture, we must continue to safeguard our common secular space and the use of our common language, English. Hope you understand that we need to find the right balance
We are experiencing a strategic shift in the media landscape
a. Our rules and norms have not yet caught up with this new reality
b. Over time, we need to develop a framework which will help us take full advantage of the new media
i. Widen the space for constructive discourse and participation among Singaporeans
ii. Allow different perspectives to surface, not just those of a vocal minority
iii. Protect responsible users from those who abuse cyberspace, especially anonymously
Besides the Government and media, individuals too must adapt to the new landscape
a. Learn, and relearn to adapt to rapid changes, and not become digital dropouts
b. Raise our “digital quotient” and learn to synthesize and understand information from a wide range of sources, especially since the volume of information we receive will only increase
I am confident that Zaobao will evolve with the times
a. No one knows what form Zaobao will take 90 years from now
b. But so long as Zaobao retains public trust, leverages its strength as a Singapore Chinese newspaper and moves with the times, it can remain one of the world’s leading Chinese newspapers
Thank you!
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