PM Lawrence Wong at the Commissioning Ceremony of RSS Invincible and RSS Impeccable

PM Lawrence Wong | 24 September 2024

Speech by Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Lawrence Wong at the Commissioning Ceremony of RSS Invincible and RSS Impeccable on 24 September 2024.


My Cabinet Colleagues,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am pleased to be here to commission Singapore’s first two Invincible-class submarines.

Both submarines – Invincible and Impeccable – were launched in Germany, in 2019 and 2022 respectively. Over the years, their crews have worked tirelessly, both in Germany and here in Singapore, to operationalise our new capability. Today, they stand ready, fully operational and poised to join the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) in safeguarding our nation.

Modernising the SAF

Singapore has enjoyed nearly 60 years of peace and security. This is no coincidence. It is the result of our unwavering commitment to build a strong and capable defence force. Because of this vigilance, the SAF has never had to fight a war to defend our homeland.

But we must never be complacent. To build a strong and credible deterrent, the SAF must continue to evolve. Because we face a world of shifting dynamics and emerging threats – both traditional and unconventional. We cannot predict the future. But we must prepare for it and stand ready for every possibility. Eternal vigilance is the price we must pay for peace.

And that means continually adapting and upgrading our capabilities at all levels of the SAF. This starts with National Service, which is the backbone of our defence and security. And that is why I visited the SAF Basic Military Training Centre last month to engage with our recruits and soldiers, and to get updated on the latest advancements in training. I was encouraged to see the positive changes at BMT, and importantly to witness firsthand the conviction of our recruits to train hard and do their part to keep us safe. When every generation of Singaporeans steps forward readily to answer the call of duty, it sends a powerful signal to the world – that we will always be ready to defend our home.

Ensuring a capable fighting force also requires sustained efforts in improving the SAF’s capabilities. And we have done so systematically over the past decades – allocating the necessary resources for defence, and steadily enhancing our equipment, training and capabilities.

In the years ahead, the SAF will incorporate new capabilities – from F-35 fighter jets to Next-Generation Howitzers. At the same time, modern warfare is evolving – and it is no longer limited to conventional battlefields, but also takes place in the realms of cyberspace and technology. So we too are preparing for these new frontiers, including by developing autonomous capabilities, and equipping our soldiers to handle threats in the digital domain.

Our Navy and Submarine Journey

The RSN is at the forefront of this transformation. As a maritime nation, Singapore’s survival and prosperity depend on free and unimpeded movement over the seas. The RSN plays a critical role in keeping our sea lines open and secure.

The RSN has continually evolved to fulfil this crucial mission. Indeed, our Navy has come a long way. In 1967, we had a fleet of just two wooden boats, operating only in the waters around us. Today, we have a modern and highly sophisticated naval force.

The submarines are an integral part of this force. Our submarine journey was not without its challenges. When we started out, we faced a steep learning curve. We began cautiously, procuring second-hand submarines from Sweden, and learning the craft from our Swedish friends. Over the years, our submariners gained the experience and expertise to build more robust capabilities.

Today, we stand confident not just to procure new-build submarines, but also to customise them to meet our specific operational requirements. The Invincible-class submarines are fitted with advanced technology – allowing for leaner crews and better manoeuvrability in our congested waters. They are quieter, more durable and better armed than anything we have had before.

The RSN’s submarine journey typifies the SAF and Singapore’s approach towards improving ourselves. We invest with strategic intent – we do so steadily and over the long-term to upgrade our capabilities, in our hardware and in our people. We learn from others where we can, and we adapt best practices to our own local context. We work as a team – fitting new capabilities into the wider system, so that together, we can achieve a positive impact greater than the sum of our parts.

Tribute to our Submariners and our Partners

Today’s commissioning coincides with another important milestone – which is the 25th year of our submarine journey. The steady progress in modernising our submarines would not have been possible without the dedication and professionalism of our people.

I would like to acknowledge our pioneer submariners, some of whom are here with us today. They laid the foundations for today’s submarine force, often working under difficult conditions. Their commitment and tenacity have enabled us to make significant progress in our submarine capabilities over these last 25 years.

The crews of Invincible and Impeccable, and their partners in DSTA and ST Engineering, now build on this strong foundation to take our submarine capability to new heights. They too have faced their share of challenges, including the uncertainties during the Covid pandemic, training overseas in Germany and being away from their loved ones. Their dedication and the sacrifices made by them and their families have been crucial to our success. So I thank all of you for your commitment and devotion to duty.

I would also like to express my deepest appreciation to our German friends. The close partnership with thyssenkrupp Marine Systems and the German Navy has been invaluable. This project exemplifies the strong ties between Germany and Singapore, and I look forward to more meaningful defence exchanges and closer collaborations in the future.


To conclude, let me once again extend my congratulations to the RSN for reaching this significant milestone in our submarine journey. You have every reason to be proud.

To the men and women of RSS Invincible and RSS Impeccable, we entrust you with the vital mission of defending our maritime nation. You carry the legacy of those who came before you, and the hopes of those who will follow.

You will write the next chapter of our submarine story. And as you do so, may you embody the values of commitment, professionalism and excellence in all that you do. As you navigate the depths of the oceans, may you remain steadfast in your mission, and disciplined in the face of challenges. May you always live by the creed of the submariner – to be the Invisible and Invincible warriors of the undersea, ever ready to protect our nation with quiet strength and unshakeable resolve. Thank you.