DPM Heng Swee Keat at the Opening of the Singapore Buddhist Lodge New Building

DPM Heng Swee Keat | 2 January 2020

Speech by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Heng Swee Keat at the Opening of Singapore Buddhist Lodge New Building on 2 January 2020.


新加坡佛教总会会长兼新加坡宗教联谊会会长 释广品法师










新加坡是一个多元种族、多元宗教、多元文化的社会。美国的皮尤研究中心(Pew Research) 的调查显示新加坡是世界上宗教信仰最多元化的国家。我们今日所享有的和谐与和平并非偶然。各宗教、各群体都付出了努力。


例如,在斯里兰卡就发生过有人利用社交媒体Facebook散播回教徒要迫害信仰佛教的僧加罗人 (Sinhalese) 的虚假信息而引发佛教徒和回教徒之间的冲突。近年来,类似事件层出不穷,在世界各地都有人利用社交媒体煽动各族群之间的不满情绪。




我经常出席不同宗教的庆典活动。在这些活动上,我也经常看到来自各宗教的人士参与其中,例如今天,我们就有来自不同宗教团体和新加坡宗教联谊会(Inter-Religious Organisation) 的代表。





居士林旗下也有一家由居士林和国家福利理事会 (National Council of Social Service) 联合开办的居士林温馨家庭服务中心,帮助淡宾尼区有需要的家庭。

这些善举都体现了“群策群力、共创未来” (Singapore Together) 的精神。我们要的是在现有的基础上,认定共同的目标,并肩前行,让每一个人、每一个群体,发挥自己的长处, 建立一个以行动彰显民主的社会 (democracy of deeds),为国人、为国家,建设更美好的未来。



I am pleased to celebrate the 85th Anniversary of the Singapore Buddhist Lodge, consecrate the main Buddha Hall, and officiate the opening of the new building.

The Singapore Buddhist Lodge had come a long way from your early days as a small building on Blair Road founded by about 100 philanthropists.

Over the years, past and present Presidents, management committees, and volunteers have dedicated their time to not only serve believers, but also expand its services and contribute to society in different ways. Today, the Singapore Buddhist Lodge is a key religious and charitable organisation in Singapore.

Believers can now enjoy the new and upgraded facilities. The Lodge can also conduct more activities and events.

As we launch the new building of the Singapore Buddhist Lodge today, it is timely to reflect on how a multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-cultural society like Singapore has remained united as one people. Looking at how divisions are pulling societies apart around the world, religious harmony is not something we can take for granted. 

So, I am glad that Singapore Buddhist Lodge, and many other religious organisations in Singapore, have been very supportive of our efforts to strengthen social cohesion and maintain religious harmony.

Last year, we passed the amendments to the Maintenance of Racial Harmony Act. Many religious organisations, including the Singapore Buddhist Lodge, had supported the changes.

The Singapore Buddhist Lodge was also one of 400 religious organisations who signed the Commitment to Safeguard Religious Harmony, an initiative by our senior religious leaders to affirm the shared values to safeguard our religious harmony, and the norms of social interaction across religions to foster a cohesive society.

The Singapore Buddhist Lodge has also been an exemplar in actively giving back to society – across different races and religion.

You have been working closely with Jamiyah Singapore, the Hindu Endowments Board and the Singapore Taoist Federation when selecting needy and deserving students for your Bursary Awards.

Every year, you also donate rice to mosques during the Ramadan period. Last year, the Lodge donated 35 tonnes of rice.

In fact, this is the spirit of the Singapore Together movement – for our people to partner with one another and the Government, in an expanded democracy of deeds, going beyond giving feedback and ideas, to taking concrete action to helping those around us.

I hope that the Singapore Buddhist Lodge will continue to serve its believers well, strengthen religious harmony, and support families with needs in the community. 

最后,我祝新加坡佛教居士林香火鼎盛,也祝愿各位身体健康,心想事成, 2020年快乐。
