DPM Heng Swee Keat at the Kaki Bukit Community Club Official Opening Ceremony

DPM Heng Swee Keat | 8 June 2024

Speech by Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat at the Kaki Bukit Community Club official opening ceremony on 8 June 2024.


Grassroots Adviser, Mr Shamsul Kumar,

Grassroots Advisers for Aljunied GRC GROs,

Grassroot leaders and residents of Kaki Bukit, 

Ladies and gentlemen,

A very good morning! 

Thank you for inviting me to the official opening of Kaki Bukit Community Club, or CC.

Kaki Bukit CC is only about 5 minutes’ drive from my own CC in Bedok. 

We are close neighbours, and I am very happy to be a part of your celebrations today. 

Kaki Bukit is a vibrant neighbourhood with a very rich history. 

This area used to be old kampungs near the Jalan Eunos Malay Settlement. Today, it is a bustling HDB estate with many amenities.

The hawker centres and markets at Block 511 and 538 draw customers from Kaki Bukit and beyond. 

In fact, like the Block 85 Feng Shan Food Centre, Block 511 draws people from all over Singapore.

So Kaki Bukit might be a small constituency, but it is certainly a lively and happening one!

I am glad that the other Grassroots Advisers from Aljunied GRC are joining our host Adviser Shamsul and I in today’s opening. 

Grassroots Advisers play an important role. They listen to residents’ feedback and concerns, and provide direct feedback to the Government. In this way, the Government can respond and serve Singaporeans better. 

And when there are needs that are specific to the community,  Grassroots Advisers work with the People’s Association (PA) to rally the community to co-create solutions. 

In other words, grassroots advisers and the PA network serve as a bridge between the Government and the people, to help the Government serve you better.. 

To achieve this, we need good men and women to step forward – men and women with integrity, competence and dedication to make a difference, to improve the lives of Singaporeans and to take Singapore forward in the next lap. 

So let me express my appreciation to Shamsul and the Aljunied Advisers for your very hard work over the years to walk the ground and take good care of our residents in Aljunied GRC. Thank you very much. 

With your support, I am confident that they can do much more!


Building a better home together

Over the last four decades, Kaki Bukit has evolved in tandem with Singapore’s rapid growth. 

The Government has upgraded and refreshed the estate, including the neighbourhood centres. 

The Home Improvement Programme has spruced up your blocks and homes.

The Downtown Line and new covered walkways have improved connectivity.

With more seniors amongst us, “Silver Zones” have been enhanced to make roads safer for them.

And new facilities like the walking and cycling path between Bedok Reservoir and East Coast Park should encourage more residents to stay active and healthy! 

Shamsul and his team have contributed to many of these estate improvements, and I thank Shamsul and your team for your dedication.

In the years to come, there will be many more exciting developments in Kaki Bukit. 

The new Kaki Bukit polyclinic, Eastern General Hospital, and Eastern Community Hospital will serve the healthcare needs of residents, especially seniors. 

And in the longer run, when the Paya Lebar airbase is relocated, we can redevelop the surrounding towns to provide even more convenient facilities and amenities for residents, including in Kaki Bukit. 

So whether you’re a senior and long-time resident of Kaki Bukit, or a new resident planning to start a family, there will be something for everyone.

Please contribute your ideas to Shamsul and his team so that they can work with you to make Kaki Bukit an even better home, and I also thank the many residents who have volunteered to do their part.

The Kaki Bukit Community Club has served residents across the generations as a cornerstone of the community. 

As we saw in the video earlier, it started humbly as a small centre at one of the void decks, before a bigger CC was built to provide residents with more activities and events. 

And as we heard from Shamsul, there were many obstacles and challenges to complete the CC. Despite this,  the team soldiered on, led by Shamsul, the grassroots leaders, and in particular the four CCMC chairmen. So thank you all very much for your hard work.

Today, we are launching an upgraded Kaki Bukit CC which features modern facilities to meet the evolving needs of the community. 

This includes culinary studios for cooking and baking classes, and a sound studio and music room for music and dance activities. 

The Kaki Bukit CC will also feature as a touchpoint for residents to access services by Government agencies and community partners. 

For example, the Agency of Integrated Care office will serve as a one-stop resource to support seniors and caregivers. Residents may also approach this office for assistance to participate in the Healthier SG programme. 

The Kaki Bukit Job Hub located in the CC will also be able to assist residents with job placement, as well as training and skills upgrading.


Strengthening our community together

Back in 1978, our founding Prime Minister addressed the Third Conference of the Constituency Club Management Committee. 

By this time, residents of all ethnicities and dialect groups lived within the same blocks in HDB new towns. This was different from the years when we were a colony – where different groups lived in various parts of Singapore.  

Mr Lee saw the CCs as the central node to bring the community together and unite the people. These CCs provided physical facilities for community cohesion. 

But the more important aspect was to bring the community together as one by forging new relationships between residents. 

So beyond infrastructure and facilities, what makes a place truly our home is the kampung spirit. And Kaki Bukit has a very strong kampung spirit! 

The team led by Shamsul is guided by a very clear goal - “Towards a Vibrant and Caring Kaki Bukit”.

This gotong-royong spirit was on full display during COVID, when Shamsul’s team rallied the community to support friends and neighbours through the tough times. 

And the team continues to work tirelessly with Government agencies and community partners to serve residents in Kaki Bukit. 

ComLink+ programmes at the Social Service Office @ Bedok, functional screenings for seniors at the Silver Generation Office @ Kaki Bukit, and the KidsExcel programme to provide sports and academic enrichment to children from disadvantaged backgrounds are just a few examples.

Our kampung spirit is also reflected in how we come together to bond as a community. Just look at the huge turnout and lively atmosphere here today.

From exercise activities in the park, to learning more about CPR and fire safety, there is something in Kaki Bukit for everyone. 

As a GRC team, the Aljunied Advisers have also brought residents together as a whole GRC to celebrate major festivals such as Ramandan Break Fast and the Mid-Autumn Festival.

There was even a special commemoration last year for LKY100, including a special video production in memory of our founding Prime Minister. 

I hope that such events and programmes will allow residents to form new connections, not just in Kaki Bukit, but across Aljunied! 



So, let me conclude by encouraging Kaki Bukit residents to come forward and work together with us. 

Residents are at the heart of what we do. 

Kaki Bukit has come a long way in the last four decades, but there is still more we can do together. 

So please support and work with Shamsul and his fellow Advisers, step forward to contribute your time and talents. 

Together, we can realise our aspirations for Kaki Bukit to be a strong, vibrant and caring home for generations to come. 

Thank you, and congratulations on the launch of the new Kaki Bukit CC.