DPM Heng Swee Keat at the Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan 47th Board Installation Ceremony 2023

DPM Heng Swee Keat | 2 May 2023

Speech by Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies Heng Swee Keat at the Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan 47th Board Installation Ceremony 2023 on 2 May 2023.









潮起同心,  扬帆远航


我们必须掌握新机遇,努⼒推动我国的经济和企业转型,以应对未来的挑战。过去几年,在大家的紧密配合下,产业转型蓝图  取得了良好成效,我们现在也正在落实更新后的蓝图。 希望潮州八邑会馆会员继续把握机遇,为本地企业和工友创造更多机会。   


要保持团结,其中很重要的环节,是领导能力。领导如果有前瞻性和远见,并且能够凝聚团队精神,就能带领大家迈向共同的目标。今年的董事会的就职典礼恰逢 建国总理李光耀的百年冥诞。李光耀先生和他的领导团队,当年带领我国各族群和团体,团结一致,为新加坡的发展做出巨大贡献。我有信心, 新一届的董事也一定能够继续不分语言、种族和宗教,为我国社会的凝聚力和发展做出贡献,一同创造更美好的未来。 


Let me now say a few words in English. I am very happy to see that we have a diverse group here this evening, including friends from different races, as well as those from overseas. Welcome!

Our clan associations have played an important role in Singapore’s development over the years. In the early years, they supported the pioneers who came here seeking a living. Over time, as our pioneers settled here, they have also played a valuable role in promoting traditional culture. This added to the vibrancy of our multicultural landscape. Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan is a very good example. As an immigrant society, openness and multiculturalism are defining traits of our society. This is a great advantage, as our people can better understand the different cultural contexts as they navigate the world, and also allows us to tap into opportunities in the region. As an immigrant society, openness and multiculturalism are defining traits of our society. This is a great advantage, as our people can better understand the different cultural contexts as they navigate the world, and also allows us to tap into opportunities in the region.
Looking ahead in a post-pandemic world, there are many challenges and opportunities. The economic outlook is challenging, and the geopolitical situation is also worrying. But there are also exciting growth opportunities, especially with the new waves of innovation and scientific advancements. 

To ride these waves of changes, it will be critical for our workers and businesses to adapt and transform. The Industry Transformation Maps have seen good progress since they were implemented in 2019, and we are now well underway in implementing the refreshed ITMs. I thank all our businesses for contributing to this effort, and encourage you to keep transforming and innovating. I was also glad to hear in Derek’s speech that under his leadership, the Huay Kuan will take a further step forward to support the local Teochew business community in seizing new opportunities across the region, while playing your part to foster an inclusive society. Indeed, leadership plays a critical role, in mobilising the energies of our companies and society, to strive towards the same goal. Our founding Prime Minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, played a critical role in leading Singapore, from a mud-flat to a modern metropolis. This year, we mark the 100th anniversary of his birth. This year’s installation of the 47th Board of Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan coincides with this very special year in Singapore’s history. So I look forward to the leadership of the 47th Board, to chart a new path, to bring all Singaporeans together, regardless of race, language or religion, to lead Singapore forward. And in this time of conflicts and contestation across the world, let us strive to exercise leadership, and work with people from all over the world, towards a better future for all. 

Once again, congratulations to the 47th Board of Directors, and special thank you to the 46th Board for your contributions.
I look forward to your contributions in the years ahead. Thank you.