PM Lee Hsien Loong at Teck Ghee Active Ageing Night 2016

SM Lee Hsien Loong | 12 November 2016

Speech by PM Lee Hsien Loong at Teck Ghee Active Ageing Night on 12 November 2016. PM Lee spoke in Chinese and English.




在徳义,我们有将近17,000 个乐龄朋友参加了人协的健乐项目。这是徳义活跃乐龄委员会和基层组织代表,过去六年来努力的成果。他们不断地把这个项目介绍给乐龄人士,鼓励大家试一试,跟我们一起参加活动,保持身体健康。同时也有机会交朋友,扩大大家的社会圈子。今年,徳义活跃乐龄委员会再次扩大了这个项目的内容,我们有几个新的项目,让我简单介绍一下。

第一个是德义备用包,Teck Ghee Ready Bag。备用包里面就有几样有用的物品,包括一张卡。卡上面有居民的个人资料和病史。万一有需要的时候,医疗人员拿到这张卡,马上就可以了解你的状况,你的需求,马上就可以帮助大家更有效的选择最好的,最适当的医疗方式。有了这个备用包之后,万一觉得不适,可以利用里面的用品 ,例如个人警报器,急救箱,雨披和风油等等,寻求援助和照顾自己。

第二个项目是我们活跃乐龄去走走。每隔三个月,活跃乐龄就组织活动,让乐龄人士可以一起参观新加坡不同的景点,到处去逛逛,jalan jalan。一起认识新加坡,一起交新的朋友,互相交流,培养感情。其实新加坡有很多好地方值得去的,可能大家也没有去过。我们住了几十年还有新的地方应该去认识,应该介绍给朋友的地方。我也是这样,有机会或周末有空,找一个新的地方去jalan jalan,去看看。当然会见到不少的新加坡朋友和居民。但是也看到一些新的城市景观,或者可能是自然景观。因为我们的自然保护区,我们的海边,都有一些很漂亮的地方,值得自己去看看,颐性养寿。

第三个活动是我们2016年的德义民厨,民厨是民间的厨师。帮忙大家学煮新的东西,学吃新的东西。新加坡人特别是民以食为天。所以我们Active Ageing Committee (AAC) 就主办了民厨比赛。通过这项比赛,乐龄人士不只可以发挥厨艺,尝试烹饪,也可以和家人和朋友拉近距离,有更好的关系。刚才大家桌子上就有一本小册子,有一些新的,适当的菜谱。共大家享用,试试看。适合乐龄人士煮,适合乐龄人士吃的一些美味家肴。我们替大家安排的这个菜谱,希望大家试试看。

最后我们也主办了有关保健的活动,因为当我们说活跃乐龄,基本上我们希望大家保持身体健康。所以有一个保健的活动就是慢性疾病健康检查,health screening,给年龄40岁以上的居民提供健康检查,让大家可以了解自己的健康情形,万一有什么不妥,可以提早接受治疗。我们经常有基层活动的时候,都有机会做健康检查,验血,测量一下血压,血糖,或者是胆固醇。每一次我们都给大家机会检验,但是希望大家检验之后,万一发现有什么地方不妥,大家再去看医生,得到适当的治疗。因为检验了,如果我们不跟踪下去,去处理这个问题,其实是没有用的。验了之后一定要去处理。所以要检验血压,要检验血糖,这些很普通的。大家年纪大了,如果不注意一下,很容易出问题。

所以AAC 有各种各样丰富的活动。我们的联络所现在正在翻新,不过AAC主席和其他联络所的管委员还是继续主办活动,为大家提供各种各样的机会交流,活跃的欢聚在一起。


Good evening everybody. I am very happy to see everybody here gathered in good mood, wearing pink and blue, looking cheerful and looking quite young. This is our wellness programme and we have many activities, usually at the Teck Ghee Community Club (CC). But this year the CC is undergoing renovation, it will take about another 15 months or so. We are keeping the wellness programme going and we continue to have this dinner here for everybody to get together and to have a chance to enjoy the evening together.

We are very grateful for all our partners who help us to organise these activities, like Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP), which has been working with us since 2011. This year, AAC has partnered NYP to prepare a cookbook “Food for Love, Love for Food” to promote healthy eating among the seniors and your families.

The students worked with the seniors to choose the recipes, to try the dishes out and to work them out. We took special pictures of them for the cookbook. The pictures were taken by the Teck Ghee Senior Photography Interest Group, also done by old people, in order to make them look their best. If you look at them, I think you will be interested to try and to cook them. I hope you will take the book home and you will enjoy, and your families will enjoy too.

I would like to thank the NYP students also for performing for us this evening. Dancing, the music and the singing. It is very good to have them as part of our community and we very much enjoy working with them, and enjoy their support.

I would also like to thank the ITE students who are working with us. They have been running around and making sure everything is okay. ITE College Central is one of our prides and joys in Ang Mo Kio and they have given a lot support for the things we are doing in Teck Ghee over the years. I am very happy to have them here tonight.

Tonight we have one more group of students which is from the LASALLE College of the Arts. This is the first the LASALLE students are here working with the Teck Ghee AAC. Thank you for coming and thank you for working with us. I hope you enjoy the evening and I hope you come back here many more times and we have a lot of fun together.

I would like to thank all the students, the young people who are here. I would like to thank the old folks for coming and making this a special evening. I look forward to many more such activities for many more years to come in Teck Ghee.

Thank you very much and enjoy the evening!

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