PM Lee Hsien Loong at the Official Opening of Dharma Hall

SM Lee Hsien Loong | 11 November 2016

Speech by PM Lee Hsien Loong at the official opening of Dharma Hall on 11 November 2016.


新加坡莲山双林寺住持惟俨法师 ,世界佛教僧伽会会长了中长老,来自世界各地的善男信女,各位来宾,大家早上好!

还记得上一次到访莲山双林寺,已经是16 年前的事情了。那是2000年,我受邀为即将兴建的龙光宝塔举行奠基典礼。 宝塔竣工后,巍然屹立多年,让双林寺独特的佛教丛林建筑群更加完善。双林寺的修建计划在1990年展开,历时20多年。刚落成的法堂是双林寺第二期修建计划的主体建筑,设有藏经楼、禅堂和方丈楼。法堂的底层还增建了圆满殿,就是这个地方,可以充作多功能礼堂。今天,我很高兴能再度到访双林寺, 为法堂主持开幕。



为了确保双林寺能重现昔日的风采,寺庙的每一砖、每一瓦、每一根石柱都必须依照原样恢复,过程十分考究,大家都得保持一丝不苟的态度,才能顺利完工。为了让公众更进一步了解整个修复过程,双林寺举办了 “气象万千——双林寺建筑艺术特展”。特展将展出双林寺艺术设计师,那就是台湾著名古迹学者,李乾朗教授,的手绘双林寺古建筑图。为了庆祝法堂开幕,双林寺也邀请了中国浙江昆剧团,首次到本地演出劝善戒恶的佛经故事《未生怨》,地点就在刚落成的圆满殿,这个地方。




PM Lee Hsien Loong at the Official Opening of Dharma Hall

Good morning to everybody! I am delighted to be here this morning to officially open the Dharma Hall. 

It has taken the leadership, staff, supporters and craftsmen much effort to restore the Dharma Hall. I am glad to see that they have done a wonderful job!  Well done!

This Monastery is the fruit of Chinese craftsmen from different counties in Fujian province coming together and putting aside their different individual traditions to create this work of art. It reflects our humble origins and aspirations as a nation – people originating from different roots, yet respecting and appreciating our differences, and working together towards a shared vision of the future.

The Buddhist community, with its strong emphasis on values like selflessness, compassion and tolerance, makes important contributions to our racial and religious harmony. This is critical, because Buddhists form the largest religious group in Singapore.

I am heartened to see the Lian Shan Shuang Lin Monastery participating so actively in the community, engaging Singaporeans regardless of race, language and religion. The Monastery has been a member of the Toa Payoh East-Novena Inter-Racial and Religious Confidence Circles since 2009. 

In recent years, the monastery organised a Mid-Autumn Festival in collaboration with the grassroots organisations in Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC. The events were well attended by residents of all races and religion. The monastery has also hosted exhibitions on topics related to Buddhism, to help both believers and non-believers to understand the Buddhism faith better. Such efforts build mutual understanding and appreciation among Singaporeans. These are just two examples of the valuable work done by the Lian Shan Shuang Lin Monastery that strengthen the spirit of our multi-racial and multi-religious society.

I would like to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to all members of the monastery, and particularly the Venerable Sik Wai Yim, for your continued support and leadership over the years. I look forward to many more years of partnership and collaboration with all of you.  

Once again, congratulations to the Monastery for your newly opened Dharma Hall.  

Thank you very much. 

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