
Showing 11 - 17 of 17 results

Closing Statement by DPM Teo Chee Hean on the Ministerial Statements on 38 Oxley Road

Closing Statement by DPM Teo Chee Hean on the Ministerial Statements on 38 Oxley Road for the Parliament debate on 4 July 2017.

Ministerial Statement by DPM Teo Chee Hean on the Ministerial Committee on 38 Oxley Road

DPM Teo Chee Hean delivered a Ministerial Statement on the Ministerial Committee on 38 Oxley Road in Parliament on 3 July 2017.

Ministerial Statement by PM Lee Hsien Loong on "Alleged Abuse of Power on 38 Oxley Road"

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong delivered the Ministerial Statement on "Alleged Abuse of Power on 38 Oxley Road" at the Parliamentary Sitting on 3 July 2017.

Statement by PM Lee Hsien Loong on 38 Oxley Road

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong made a statement on 38 Oxley Road on 19 June 2017.

PM Lee Hsien Loong at the Launch of the EW Barker Centre for Law and Business

PM Lee Hsien Loong delivered a speech at the launch of the EW Barker Centre for Law and Business at the National University of Singapore's Faculty of Law on 30 May 2017.

Eulogy by PM Lee Hsien Loong at Memorial Service of the late Othman Wok

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong delivered a eulogy at a memorial service for the late Othman Wok at Victoria Concert Hall on 19 April 2017.

MM Lee Kuan Yew at Tanjong Pagar National Day Celebrations 2010

Speech by Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew at the Tanjong Pagar National Day celebrations at Tanjong Pagar Community Club on 15 August 2010.