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Showing 1 - 6 of 6 results
DPM Tharman Shanmugaratnam at the Opening Ceremony of Industrial Transformation Asia Pacific 2018
Speech by DPM and Coordinating Minister for Economic and Social Policies, Tharman Shanmugaratnam, at the Opening Ceremony of Industrial Transformation Asia Pacific 2018 on 16 October 2018.Message by DPM Tharman Shanmugaratnam on Monetary Authority of Singapore's Annual Report 2017/2018
Message by DPM and Coordinating Minister for Economic and Social Policies, Tharman Shanmugaratnam, on the Monetary Authority of Singapore's Annual Report 2017/2018.PM Lee Hsien Loong at the JTC 50th Anniversary Dinner
Transcript of speech by PM Lee Hsien Loong at the JTC 50th Anniversary Dinner, delivered at Shangri-La Hotel on 25 May 2018.PM Lee Hsien Loong at May Day Rally 2018
PM Lee Hsien Loong delivered his 2018 May Day Rally speech at D'Marquee in Downtown East on 1 May 2018.DPM Tharman Shanmugaratnam at the Grand Opening Ceremony of Schneider Electric's New Headquarters for East Asia and Japan in Singapore
Speech by DPM and Coordinating Minister for Economic and Social Policies, Tharman Shanmugaratnam, at the Grand Opening Ceremony of Schneider Electric’s New Headquarters for East Asia and Japan in Singapore on 29 March 2018.DPM Tharman Shanmugaratnam at the Launch of Fairprice On
Speech by DPM and Coordinating Minister for Economic and Social Policies, Tharman Shanmugaratnam, at the launch of the refreshed Fairprice digital platform, Fairprice On, on 28 March 2018 at the Fairprice Hub.- 1