
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.



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1Wo Toh Sok Kwang

The Long Service Medal, 2001

Mr Tohid Bin Kassim

The Long Service Medal, 2001

Mr Tok Seng Kim

The Long Service Medal, 2001

Mdm Tong Geok Eng

The Long Service Medal, 2001

Mr Tong Koh Boon

The Long Service Medal, 2001

Mrs Tong Mok Yee

The Long Service Medal, 2001

Mdm Tong Pui Leng

The Long Service Medal, 2001

Mdm Tong Yin Fong

The Long Service Medal, 2001

Mr Tugiman Bin Kassim

The Long Service Medal, 2001

Mdm Tung Meggie Mary

The Long Service Medal, 2001