
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.



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Mr Sulaiman Bin Abdullah

The Long Service Medal, 2001

Mr Sulaiman Bin Ahmad

The Long Service Medal, 2001

Mr Sulaiman Bin Maidoni

The Long Service Medal, 2001

Mr Sulaiman Bin Osman

The Long Service Medal, 2001

Mr Sulaiman Bin Salleh

The Long Service Medal, 2001

Mr Sulaimi Bin Juma'at

The Long Service Medal, 2001

Mdm Sulia Binte Sarkawi

The Long Service Medal, 2001

Mr Sum Hon Meng

The Long Service Medal, 2001

Miss Sum Wai Cheng

The Long Service Medal, 2001

Ms Sumasni Binte Sunar

The Long Service Medal, 2001