
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.



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Mr Azmi Bin Hasan

The Efficiency Medal, 2002

Mr Babjee Bin Kassim

The Efficiency Medal, 2002

Mrs Bay-Yeo Tok Koon

The Efficiency Medal, 2002

Ms Boh Chek Jong

The Efficiency Medal, 2002

Mr Chai Sze Teck

The Efficiency Medal, 2002

Mr Chai Yoo Mui

The Efficiency Medal, 2002

Mr Chan Hee Chye

The Efficiency Medal, 2002

Mdm Chan Pui Ping

The Efficiency Medal, 2002

Mr Chan Wing Yin

The Efficiency Medal, 2002

Miss Chan Yeow Choy

The Efficiency Medal, 2002