Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
- The Order of Temasek (With High Distinction) (2)Apply The Order of Temasek (With High Distinction) filter
- The Order of Temasek (With Distinction) (1)Apply The Order of Temasek (With Distinction) filter
- The Order of Temasek (1st Class) (4)Apply The Order of Temasek (1st Class) filter
- The Order of Temasek (2nd Class) (2)Apply The Order of Temasek (2nd Class) filter
- The Order of Nila Utama (With High Distinction) (2)Apply The Order of Nila Utama (With High Distinction) filter
- The Order of Nila Utama (With Distinction) (1)Apply The Order of Nila Utama (With Distinction) filter
- 2024 (6773)Apply 2024 filter
- 2023 (6599)Apply 2023 filter
- 2022 (6257)Apply 2022 filter
- 2021 (5716)Apply 2021 filter
- 2020 (5468)Apply 2020 filter
- 2019 (4981)Apply 2019 filter
Mdm Tham Lai Yin
The Long Service Medal, 2005
Mdm Thanam Manickam
The Long Service Medal, 2005
Mdm Thanmoshi d/o Kalandavelu
The Long Service Medal, 2005
Mdm Tia Minn Sim
The Long Service Medal, 2005
Mdm Ting Siew Chong
The Long Service Medal, 2005
Mdm Toh Gim Lian
The Long Service Medal, 2005
Mdm Toh Wee Peng
The Long Service Medal, 2005
Mdm Tong Hwee Kwan
The Long Service Medal, 2005
Mdm Usha d/o A Narayanan Kutty
The Long Service Medal, 2005
Mdm Usha Davie d/o Govinaraju
The Long Service Medal, 2005