
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.



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Mdm Tham Lai Yin

The Long Service Medal, 2005

Mdm Thanam Manickam

The Long Service Medal, 2005

Mdm Thanmoshi d/o Kalandavelu

The Long Service Medal, 2005

Mdm Tia Minn Sim

The Long Service Medal, 2005

Mdm Ting Siew Chong

The Long Service Medal, 2005

Mdm Toh Gim Lian

The Long Service Medal, 2005

Mdm Toh Wee Peng

The Long Service Medal, 2005

Mdm Tong Hwee Kwan

The Long Service Medal, 2005

Mdm Usha d/o A Narayanan Kutty

The Long Service Medal, 2005

Mdm Usha Davie d/o Govinaraju

The Long Service Medal, 2005