
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.

Showing 51 - 60 of 4676 recipients

Mr Fong Yue Kwong

The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 1998

Mr Ho Jin Yong

The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 1998

Mr Jaspal Singh

The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 1998

Mr Lau Kim Boo

The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 1998

Mr Lau Wah Ming

The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 1998

Mrs Lee Miew Boey

The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 1998

Mr Leong Keng Thai

The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 1998

Mdm Lim Soo Hoon

The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 1998

Mr Loh Swee Seng

The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 1998

Mr Low Wee Ping

The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 1998