
Browse through the list of 36,819 National Day Award recipients since 1998.



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Mdm Zainap Bte Ahmat

The Long Service Medal, 1998

Miss Teo Chor Eng

The Long Service Medal, 1998

Mr Zainuddin B Haron

The Long Service Medal, 1998

Mr Zainudin Bin Ariffin

The Long Service Medal, 1998

Mdm Zaiton Binte Abdul Rahman

The Long Service Medal, 1998

Mdm Zaiton Bte Abu Bakar

The Long Service Medal, 1998

Mdm Zaiton Bte Sadali

The Long Service Medal, 1998

Mr Zakariah Bin Mohamed

The Long Service Medal, 1998

Mr Zakariah Bin Nordin

The Long Service Medal, 1998

Mdm Zaleha Bee Binte Mohamad Ismail

The Long Service Medal, 1998