
Browse through the list of 36,819 National Day Award recipients since 1998.



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Ms Zaidah Bte Ishak

The Long Service Medal, 1998

Miss Zainab Bee D/O E M A Kadir

The Long Service Medal, 1998

Mr Zainah Abidin Bin Hashim

The Long Service Medal, 1998

Mdm Zainah Bte Sh Abdullah Lajam

The Long Service Medal, 1998

Mr Zainal Abiden Bin Atan

The Long Service Medal, 1998

Mr Zainal Abidin Bin Abdul Rahman

The Long Service Medal, 1998

Mr Zainal Abidin Bin Ahmad

The Long Service Medal, 1998

Mr Zainal B Haron

The Long Service Medal, 1998

Mr Zainal Bin Pari

The Long Service Medal, 1998

Mr Zainal Bin Zakaria

The Long Service Medal, 1998