
Browse through the list of 36,819 National Day Award recipients since 1998.



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Mrs Tu Kiang Leong

The Long Service Medal, 1998

Mr Tuang Kong Suan

The Long Service Medal, 1998

Mr Tugimin Bin Moorsid

The Long Service Medal, 1998

Mr Tukimin Bin Rati

The Long Service Medal, 1998

Mdm Tung Kim Huat @ Tng Kim Huat

The Long Service Medal, 1998

Ms Tung Wai Chan

The Long Service Medal, 1998

Mdm Tunme Bte Ahmad

The Long Service Medal, 1998

Mdm Tze Ai Chin

The Long Service Medal, 1998

Mdm Uma Rani D/O Singaram Samidurai

The Long Service Medal, 1998

Mr Umar Bin Haji Sukandar

The Long Service Medal, 1998