
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.

Showing 3631 - 3640 of 3762 recipients

2Wo Y Subramaniam

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mr Yacoub Bin Assan

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mr Yahya B Abdul Wahid

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mr Yahya Bin Midi

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mr Yahya Bin Mohd

The Long Service Medal, 2000

1Wo Yam Chong Whee

The Long Service Medal, 2000

1Wo Yang Yao Chun

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mr Yap Kim Choon

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mr Yap Kong Sin

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mr Yap Kong Sin Peter

The Long Service Medal, 2000