Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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- The Order of Nila Utama (1st Class) (1)Apply The Order of Nila Utama (1st Class) filter
- The Distinguished Service Order (6)Apply The Distinguished Service Order filter
- The Meritorious Service Medal (13)Apply The Meritorious Service Medal filter
- The Meritorious Service Medal (Military) (1)Apply The Meritorious Service Medal (Military) filter
- The Public Service Star (Bar) (19)Apply The Public Service Star (Bar) filter
- The Public Service Star (78)Apply The Public Service Star filter
- The Public Administration Medal (Gold) (Bar) (1)Apply The Public Administration Medal (Gold) (Bar) filter
- The Public Administration Medal (Gold) (10)Apply The Public Administration Medal (Gold) filter
- The Public Administration Medal (Silver) (Bar) (2)Apply The Public Administration Medal (Silver) (Bar) filter
- The Public Administration Medal (Silver) (Bar) (Military) (1)Apply The Public Administration Medal (Silver) (Bar) (Military) filter
- The Public Administration Medal (Silver) (93)Apply The Public Administration Medal (Silver) filter
- The Public Administration Medal (Silver) (Military) (9)Apply The Public Administration Medal (Silver) (Military) filter
- The Public Administration Medal (Bronze) (168)Apply The Public Administration Medal (Bronze) filter
- The Public Administration Medal (Bronze) (Military) (28)Apply The Public Administration Medal (Bronze) (Military) filter
- The Commendation Medal (449)Apply The Commendation Medal filter
- The Commendation Medal (Military) (51)Apply The Commendation Medal (Military) filter
- The Public Service Medal (235)Apply The Public Service Medal filter
- The Efficiency Medal (433)Apply The Efficiency Medal filter
- The Efficiency Medal (Military) (87)Apply The Efficiency Medal (Military) filter
- The Long Service Medal (1805)Apply The Long Service Medal filter
- The Long Service Medal (Military) (372)Apply The Long Service Medal (Military) filter
- The Long Service Medal (Police) (16)Apply The Long Service Medal (Police) filter
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Showing 3591 - 3600 of 3879 recipients
MAJ Manoharan S/O Pariasamy
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2015
MAJ Mohamad Rafi Bin Eusope
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2015
MAJ Quek Ser Teck
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2015
MAJ Quek Shung Pheng
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2015
MAJ Quek Wee Leong
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2015
MAJ Tan Chee Kee Bobby
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2015
MAJ Tan Suan Ling Susie
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2015
MAJ Tan Tiong Keng
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2015
MAJ Teng Kai Hong
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2015
MAJ Teo Lee Heng
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2015