
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.


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Showing 341 - 350 of 2931 recipients

Mdm Hoong Whee Sien

The Commendation Medal, 2006

Mdm Yue Sharon

The Commendation Medal, 2006

Mr Chan Kwok Leong

The Commendation Medal, 2006

Mr Ng Seaw Choon

The Commendation Medal, 2006

Mrs Tan Joo Yee

The Commendation Medal, 2006

Mr Tan Poh Seim Anthony

The Commendation Medal, 2006

Mdm Tan Sok Hia Florence

The Commendation Medal, 2006

Ms Toh Wee San

The Commendation Medal, 2006

Miss Cher Ming Hui

The Commendation Medal, 2006

Mrs Low-Chua Pik Sim

The Commendation Medal, 2006