
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.

Showing 3231 - 3240 of 3337 recipients

Mdm Soh Hwee Lay

The Long Service Medal, 2005

Mdm Tan Joon Buay

The Long Service Medal, 2005

Mdm Tan Siew Kim Doris

The Long Service Medal, 2005

Mdm Wardah Bte Haji Mohd

The Long Service Medal, 2005

Mdm Zohrah Binte Haron

The Long Service Medal, 2005

Miss Cheng Suat Guek

The Long Service Medal, 2005

Miss Chew Loy Choo

The Long Service Medal, 2005

Miss Kim Swee Huang

The Long Service Medal, 2005

Miss Low Ee Lin Patricia Angelia

The Long Service Medal, 2005

Miss Norita Bte Fadzillah

The Long Service Medal, 2005