Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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- The Meritorious Service Medal (4)Apply The Meritorious Service Medal filter
- The Public Service Star (Bar) (9)Apply The Public Service Star (Bar) filter
- The Public Service Star (51)Apply The Public Service Star filter
- The Public Administration Medal (Gold) (7)Apply The Public Administration Medal (Gold) filter
- The Public Administration Medal (Gold) (Military) (2)Apply The Public Administration Medal (Gold) (Military) filter
- The Public Administration Medal (Silver) (45)Apply The Public Administration Medal (Silver) filter
- The Public Administration Medal (Silver) (Military) (6)Apply The Public Administration Medal (Silver) (Military) filter
- The Public Administration Medal (Bronze) (63)Apply The Public Administration Medal (Bronze) filter
- The Public Administration Medal (Bronze) (Military) (17)Apply The Public Administration Medal (Bronze) (Military) filter
- The Commendation Medal (145)Apply The Commendation Medal filter
- The Commendation Medal (Military) (41)Apply The Commendation Medal (Military) filter
- The Public Service Medal (171)Apply The Public Service Medal filter
- The Efficiency Medal (241)Apply The Efficiency Medal filter
- The Efficiency Medal (Military) (106)Apply The Efficiency Medal (Military) filter
- The Long Service Medal (2404)Apply The Long Service Medal filter
- 2005 ND Awards for SAF Tsunami Relief Operation (25)Apply 2005 ND Awards for SAF Tsunami Relief Operation filter
Year :
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Showing 3141 - 3150 of 3337 recipients
Mr Pang Boon Seng
The Long Service Medal, 2005
Mr Pang Puay Kuang
The Long Service Medal, 2005
Mr Panirselvam s/o Kasinathan
The Long Service Medal, 2005
Mr Phua Siah Whatt
The Long Service Medal, 2005
Mr Rashid Bin Ma Eng
The Long Service Medal, 2005
Mr Razalee Bin Mohd Noor
The Long Service Medal, 2005
Mr Razali Bin Amri
The Long Service Medal, 2005
Mr Salleh Bin Jan
The Long Service Medal, 2005
Mr Sim Swee Yeow
The Long Service Medal, 2005
Mr Soh Poh Cheng
The Long Service Medal, 2005