
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.

Showing 301 - 310 of 3762 recipients

Mr Michael Poh Cheng Hock

The Public Service Medal, 2000

Tuan Haji Mohd Dusah Bin Abdul Ghani

The Public Service Medal, 2000

Mr Mohd Russul

The Public Service Medal, 2000

Mr Mok Tai How

The Public Service Medal, 2000

Mr Neo Swee Eng

The Public Service Medal, 2000

Mr Ng Chor Tan

The Public Service Medal, 2000

Mdm Ng Sai Choo

The Public Service Medal, 2000

Mr Ong Yam Chua

The Public Service Medal, 2000

Dr Oon Chiew Seng

The Public Service Medal, 2000

Mrs Padma K Ramnani

The Public Service Medal, 2000