
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.

Showing 291 - 300 of 3762 recipients

Mr Lo Tuck Leong

The Public Service Medal, 2000

Mr Louis Tay Bok Hock

The Public Service Medal, 2000

Dr Low Boon Yong

The Public Service Medal, 2000

Mr M Supramaniam

The Public Service Medal, 2000

Mr Mahmud No'man

The Public Service Medal, 2000

Mr Martin Cheong Foo Hoong

The Public Service Medal, 2000

Dr Mary Ann Tsao

The Public Service Medal, 2000

Miss Melanie Ann Martens

The Public Service Medal, 2000

Mr Mervyn Sirisena s/o Piankara Mestridge

The Public Service Medal, 2000

Mr Michael Hwang

The Public Service Medal, 2000