
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.

Showing 201 - 210 of 3384 recipients

Mdm Seow Siew Keng

The Commendation Medal, 2001

Mr So Tong Keong @ Teo TC

The Commendation Medal, 2001

Mr Tan Hang Tjong

The Commendation Medal, 2001

Mr Tan Kia Tang

The Commendation Medal, 2001

Mr Tan Pheng Tiong

The Commendation Medal, 2001

Mdm Tang Ah Moy

The Commendation Medal, 2001

Miss Tay Lee Koon

The Commendation Medal, 2001

Mdm Tay Siok Hwa

The Commendation Medal, 2001

Mrs Teh Sook Lan

The Commendation Medal, 2001

Ms Thiagarajan Sarojini Devi

The Commendation Medal, 2001