
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.

Showing 11 - 20 of 3337 recipients

Mr Chng Beng Guan, BBM

The Public Service Star (Bar), 2005

Mr Foo Kee Seng, BBM

The Public Service Star (Bar), 2005

Mr Kong Mun Kwong, BBM, PBM, JP

The Public Service Star (Bar), 2005

Mr Foo Kong Deen, PBM

The Public Service Star, 2005

Mr Kwek Leng Joo, PBM

The Public Service Star, 2005

Mr Jack Soh Tze Churn, PBM

The Public Service Star, 2005

Mr Toh Hock Chwee, PBM

The Public Service Star, 2005

Mr Tay Pen Soo, PBM

The Public Service Star, 2005

Mr Christopher Seet Peng Kiat, PBM

The Public Service Star, 2005

Mr Francis Ng Kok Kia, PBM

The Public Service Star, 2005