
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.

Showing 11 - 20 of 4676 recipients

Mr Henry Lim Hee Beng

The Public Service Star, 1998

Mr Herman Ronald Hochstadt

The Public Service Star, 1998

Mr Khoo Muan Chew

The Public Service Star, 1998

Mr Koh Hock Hin

The Public Service Star, 1998

Mr Lam Chin Koi

The Public Service Star, 1998

Mr Lee Wung Yew

The Public Service Star, 1998

Mr Lim Hwee Sin

The Public Service Star, 1998

Mr Lincoln, Bryan Richard

The Public Service Star, 1998

Mr Lodewijk C Van Wachem

The Public Service Star, 1998

Mr Long Foo Choo @ Long Poo Toh

The Public Service Star, 1998