Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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- The Public Service Star (45)Apply The Public Service Star filter
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- The Public Administration Medal (Gold) (8)Apply The Public Administration Medal (Gold) filter
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- The Public Administration Medal (Silver) (43)Apply The Public Administration Medal (Silver) filter
- The Public Administration Medal (Silver) (Military) (8)Apply The Public Administration Medal (Silver) (Military) filter
- The Public Administration Medal (Bronze) (65)Apply The Public Administration Medal (Bronze) filter
- The Public Administration Medal (Bronze) (Military) (18)Apply The Public Administration Medal (Bronze) (Military) filter
- The Commendation Medal (172)Apply The Commendation Medal filter
- The Commendation Medal (Military) (39)Apply The Commendation Medal (Military) filter
- The Public Service Medal (170)Apply The Public Service Medal filter
- The Efficiency Medal (245)Apply The Efficiency Medal filter
- The Efficiency Medal (Military) (97)Apply The Efficiency Medal (Military) filter
- The Long Service Medal (1581)Apply The Long Service Medal filter
- The Long Service Medal (Military) (418)Apply The Long Service Medal (Military) filter
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Showing 1 - 10 of 2931 recipients
Mr Lim Siong Guan
The Order of Nila Utama (1st Class), 2006
Mr Yeo Liat Kok, Philip
The Order of Nila Utama (1st Class), 2006
Mr Teo Chan Seng, Eddie
The Distinguished Service Order, 2006
Mr Lee Ching Yen, Stephen
The Distinguished Service Order, 2006
Prof Edwin Nadason Thumboo
The Meritorious Service Medal, 2006
BG (Retd) Chin Siat Yoon
The Meritorious Service Medal, 2006
Mr Lee Kwong Foo, Edward
The Meritorious Service Medal, 2006
Dr Ngiam Tong Tau
The Meritorious Service Medal, 2006
Mr Lim Hock San
The Meritorious Service Medal, 2006
Miss Yeo Wei Ling, Joscelin
The Meritorious Service Medal, 2006