
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.

Showing 1 - 10 of 3762 recipients

Mr Lee Ek Tieng

The Distinguished Service Order, 2000

Prof Lim Pin

The Distinguished Service Order, 2000

Prof Lim Chong Yah

The Distinguished Service Order, 2000

BG Choi Shing Kwok

The Meritorious Service Medal, 2000

Mr Masuri Bin Salikun

The Meritorious Service Medal, 2000

Mr Chew Koh

The Public Service Star (Bar), 2000

Mr Low Tai Ee

The Public Service Star (Bar), 2000

Mr Neo Bee Chang

The Public Service Star (Bar), 2000

Mr Wee Chee Kang

The Public Service Star (Bar), 2000

Mr Abdul Majid Bin Abdul Latiff

The Public Service Star, 2000