
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.

Showing 21 - 30 of 45 recipients

Maj Karl Timothy John

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Maj Lee Soon Loy

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Maj Lee Suat Foong

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Maj Leong Weng Wah

The Long Service Medal, 2000

MAJ Liew Nam Sam

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Maj Lim Hwa Peng Anthony

The Long Service Medal, 2000

MAJ Magarajah Marimuthu

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mr Mohamad Majeed Bin Marican

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Mr Mustafa B Abdul Majid

The Long Service Medal, 2000

Maj Ng Yoke Loon

The Long Service Medal, 2000