Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
Year :
RemoveYear 1999 filter1999
Showing 21 - 30 of 37 recipients
MAJ Lee Mee Ken
The Long Service Medal, 1999
MAJ Lee Yow Hoi
The Long Service Medal, 1999
MAJ Leong Chee Weng
The Long Service Medal, 1999
MAJ Leow Sheong Shun
The Long Service Medal, 1999
Mdm Maimunah Bte Abdul Majid
The Long Service Medal, 1999
MAJ Manjit Singh
The Long Service Medal, 1999
MAJ Pavadasamy Asokan
The Long Service Medal, 1999
MAJ Peh Ai Jen
The Long Service Medal, 1999
MAJ Rajindar Singh
The Long Service Medal, 1999
MAJ S Raman
The Long Service Medal, 1999