
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.


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Showing 1201 - 1210 of 1230 recipients

MAJ Yam Ah Lek Steven

The Long Service Medal, 1999

Mr Abdul Majeed Bin Yusoff

The Efficiency Medal, 1998

Mr Haji Mohamed Jais Bin Abdul Majid

The Long Service Medal, 1998

Mr Adam B A Majeed

The Long Service Medal, 1998

MAJ Chang Yew Fei

The Long Service Medal, 1998

MAJ Chee Ping Swee

The Long Service Medal, 1998

MAJ Chia Eng Chuan

The Long Service Medal, 1998

MAJ Chin Yuan Fong

The Long Service Medal, 1998

MAJ Chong Bee Huat

The Long Service Medal, 1998

Maj Eng Choinh Liang

The Long Service Medal, 1998