
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.

Showing 1 - 10 of 34 recipients

Mr Muhammad Hidhir Bin Abdul Majid

The Public Administration Medal (Bronze), 2001

MAJ (NS) George Wong Hock

The Public Service Medal, 2001

MAJ (Ret) Govindasamy Shanmugam

The Public Service Medal, 2001

Mr Abdul Majeed Bin Osman

The Long Service Medal, 2001

Mr Abdullah Bin Majid

The Long Service Medal, 2001

Mr Alias Bin Ab Majid

The Long Service Medal, 2001

MAJ Chang Khai Mun

The Long Service Medal, 2001

MAJ Chew Donald

The Long Service Medal, 2001

MAJ Chia Jee Chew Mark

The Long Service Medal, 2001

Mr Hussein Bin Majid

The Long Service Medal, 2001