Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
Award :
RemoveAward The Public Administration Medal (Silver) filterThe Public Administration Medal (Silver)
Year :
RemoveYear 2002 filter2002
Showing 11 - 20 of 41 recipients
Mrs Tay Sor Har
The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 2002
Mrs Virginia Cheng
The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 2002
Professor Chen Hsiao Yun Louis
The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 2002
Professor Yue Chee Yoon
The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 2002
Miss Chan Lai Fung
The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 2002
Mdm Beck Gek Suan, Charlotte
The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 2002
Mr Goh Aik Guan
The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 2002
Mr Goh Eng Ghee
The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 2002
Mr Hoong Seng Lei, Vincent
The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 2002
Mr Khoo Seow Poh
The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 2002