Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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RemoveAward The Public Administration Medal (Silver) filterThe Public Administration Medal (Silver)
Year :
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Showing 1 - 10 of 28 recipients
Mrs Angela Ow
The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 1998
Mr Chen Tze Penn
The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 1998
Mr Cheong Heng Yuen
The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 1998
Mr Chia Mia Chiang
The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 1998
Miss Chua Khim
The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 1998
Prof Er Meng Hwa
The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 1998
Mr Fong Kok Wai
The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 1998
Mr Fong Yue Kwong
The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 1998
Mr Ho Jin Yong
The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 1998
Mr Jaspal Singh
The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 1998