Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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RemoveAward The Meritorious Service Medal filterThe Meritorious Service Medal
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Showing 1 - 10 of 13 recipients
Mr Phang Tai Heng, JP, BBM(L)
The Meritorious Service Medal, 2015
Mr Timothy James de Souza, BBM, PBM
The Meritorious Service Medal, 2015
Mr Edmund Cheng Wai Wing, BBM(L), BBM
The Meritorious Service Medal, 2015
Mr Iskandar Jalil, BBM
The Meritorious Service Medal, 2015
Mr Canagasabai Kunalan
The Meritorious Service Medal, 2015
Prof Tan Chorh Chuan
The Meritorious Service Medal, 2015
Ms Seah Jiak Choo
The Meritorious Service Medal, 2015
Dr Law Song Seng
The Meritorious Service Medal, 2015
Mdm Kay Kuok Oon Kwong
The Meritorious Service Medal, 2015
Associate Prof Lim Swee Hia
The Meritorious Service Medal, 2015