Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
Award :
RemoveAward The Long Service Medal (Military) filterThe Long Service Medal (Military)
Year :
RemoveYear 2006 filter2006
Showing 151 - 160 of 418 recipients
1WO Low Heng Moh, PB
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2006
1WO M Balakrishnan
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2006
1WO Malaravan S/O Ponniah
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2006
1WO Maran S/O Subramaniam
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2006
1WO Mohd Nasir Bin Kashim
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2006
1WO Mok Teng Chai
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2006
1WO Muhammad Khalil Lim Liang Teck
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2006
1WO Muhammad Saleh Bin Ahmad
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2006
1WO Neo Ann Kit
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2006
1WO Ng Boon Seng, PB
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2006