Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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RemoveAward The Long Service Medal (Military) filterThe Long Service Medal (Military)
Year :
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Showing 111 - 120 of 372 recipients
MAJ Wong Chwee Ching
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2015
MAJ Wong Tat Chow Francis
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2015
MAJ Woo Gim Chuan
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2015
MAJ (NS) Chan Sean Cheah
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2015
MAJ (NS) Chong Shean Chin
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2015
MAJ (NS) Chua Wah Meng
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2015
MAJ (NS) Eraja Rajan S/O Narayanasamy
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2015
MAJ (NS) Foo Kia Gie
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2015
MAJ (NS) Goh Teck Leong, Gerald
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2015
MAJ (NS) Ki Siaw Hock
The Long Service Medal (Military), 2015