
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.

Showing 451 - 460 of 754 recipients

MAJ (NS) Zahid Bin Abdul Aziz

The Long Service Medal (Military), 2015

MAJ Awalludin Bin Abdul Jabbar

The Long Service Medal (Military), 2014

MAJ Chan Sian Yeong

The Long Service Medal (Military), 2014

MAJ Chandramoahan S/O Vengadasalam

The Long Service Medal (Military), 2014

MAJ Chandramohan S/O Arumugam

The Long Service Medal (Military), 2014

MAJ Chng Chee Tiong

The Long Service Medal (Military), 2014

MAJ Chua Kok Siang

The Long Service Medal (Military), 2014

MAJ Goh Chong Meng

The Long Service Medal (Military), 2014

MAJ Goh Chong Tong

The Long Service Medal (Military), 2014

MAJ Koo Yong Long

The Long Service Medal (Military), 2014