Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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RemoveAward The Long Service Medal filterThe Long Service Medal
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Showing 71 - 80 of 1436 recipients
Mr Teo Hock Leong
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Miss Lim Pak Hay
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Mr A Jegatheesan
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Mr Ang Liang Ann
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Mr Ang Tian Leng John
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Mr Chen Yew Kheng
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Mr Chng Shih Hao
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Mr Chua Ek Hwa
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Mr Chua Ngee Chye Francis
The Long Service Medal, 2011
Mdm Emily Wong Kwee Keow
The Long Service Medal, 2011