Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
Award :
RemoveAward The Long Service Medal filterThe Long Service Medal
Year :
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Showing 61 - 70 of 2210 recipients
Mdm Amnah Binte Majid
The Long Service Medal, 2002
Mr Amur Hussain Bin Mohamed Hussain
The Long Service Medal, 2002
1Wo Andrew John
The Long Service Medal, 2002
Mr Andrew S/O Ramasamy
The Long Service Medal, 2002
1WO Ang Teng Lai
The Long Service Medal, 2002
Mdm Ang Siew Cheng Rosa
The Long Service Medal, 2002
Mdm Ang Ah Moy
The Long Service Medal, 2002
Miss Ang Bee Hwa
The Long Service Medal, 2002
Mdm Ang Bee Lan
The Long Service Medal, 2002
Miss Ang Bee Lian
The Long Service Medal, 2002