Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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RemoveAward The Long Service Medal filterThe Long Service Medal
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Showing 41 - 50 of 1597 recipients
Mr Lim Thiam Chye
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mr Philip Ee Teik Hock
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mr Roger Teo Soon Huat
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mr Subramaniam s/o Periyamsamy
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mr Yeo Nai Seng
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mr Yeo Swee Kiong
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Ms Koh Ping Ngor
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Mr Ho Chee Keong
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Ms Ong Lucy
The Long Service Medal, 2014
Ms Cheow Sau Wan
The Long Service Medal, 2014