Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
Award :
RemoveAward The Long Service Medal filterThe Long Service Medal
Year :
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Showing 471 - 480 of 1754 recipients
Mrs Lee Bee Yann
The Long Service Medal, 2009
Mr Ong Duen Liang
The Long Service Medal, 2009
Miss Yeo Geok Har
The Long Service Medal, 2009
Mdm Ang Saw Hong
The Long Service Medal, 2009
Mr Liew Siew Cheong
The Long Service Medal, 2009
Mr Ong Wee Hong
The Long Service Medal, 2009
Mdm Choo Sheau Chian
The Long Service Medal, 2009
Mr Desai Piushkant Krishnalal
The Long Service Medal, 2009
Mr Goh Eng Whatt
The Long Service Medal, 2009
Mdm Nam Aileen
The Long Service Medal, 2009